Initial Speed -> Mud -> End Tile

Hello @styphoiz sorry for the delayed response.

Yeah we picked up that we count the block you end a round on twice. The round you ended on and the next round. The latest pull request fixes this, so will do another releases later today.

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Hello @Malman yeah that is what was happening. Will be fixed with a new release later today.

Will the new release be loaded on the Player portal?

Hello @styphoiz, @demaniak and @Malman we have published a new release fixing the double counting bug as well as updating the behavior of drop oil (to be one block behind the player and not on the player)

@styphoiz currently this release will only be available via github, we will update the player portal to point to the latest release sometime next week.


Thanks, my bot seems to be running a little better with the new fixes. Will post again if I pick up anything.

Thanks @styphoiz. Also we are looking into the issues you posted on github. Really appreciate the help :slight_smile:

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