Release 2022.3.7 · EntelectChallenge/2022-Arctica

Seems like 2022.3.6 fixes my crash in TerritoryService, but hangs infinitely at the start due waiting for bots to join (configured for one bot) due to the if (!bot.Territory.Contains(building.Position)) return; check. Is this known?

EDIT: nope still crashes, only did at ~1500 instead of tick ~900 like normal

@Jordan @Jenique Ran into smallish bug, it looks like some units can get stuck at resource nodes when the node is almost full. It looks like it’s affecting multiple resources and I’ve seen it occurring in multiple games. I think the issues lies here:

If the newly calculated action units is zero, the action is removed from the bot (with the action.Remove() call), but the action.NumberOfUnits is left intact and still gets added to the node since the action isn’t removed from the actions list. Since the action is removed from the bot it doesn’t get processed later on in the tick simulation:

I’m guessing at this point those units become stuck as the action is lost to the void of the garbage collector.

PS: Haven’t ran into the other crash again