I have encountered the following problem about 1 out of every 50 matches.
Basically, what happens is that the game engine fails to detect any hits for the full duration of the match. After the match is complete every single tile has been fired at (and the GUI shows this accordingly) but not single hit was landed for either player and both have 0 pts score.
It seems that the engine fails to pick up that the player has indeed SUCCESSFULLY placed his ships and in turn refusing to allow it to shoot (even though the round is way past round 5 and the match plays out fine otherwise).
This is the error being thrown in the engine.txt log (each an every round):
Failed to process command FireShotCommand for player DudeGameEngine.Exceptions.InvalidCommandException: All your ships must be placed before you are allowed to shoot —> System.InvalidOperationException: All your ships must be placed before you are allowed to shoot
at Domain.Games.GameMap.Shoot(PlayerType player, Point target, WeaponType weaponType) in W:\Projects\100k\2017\Github\2017-Batteships\GameEngine\Battleships\Domain\Games\GameMap.cs:line 83
at GameEngine.Commands.PlayerCommands.FireShotCommand.PerformCommand(GameMap gameMap, BattleshipPlayer player) in W:\Projects\100k\2017\Github\2017-Batteships\GameEngine\Battleships\GameEngine\Commands\PlayerCommands\FireShotCommand.cs:line 27
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at GameEngine.Commands.PlayerCommands.FireShotCommand.PerformCommand(GameMap gameMap, BattleshipPlayer player) in W:\Projects\100k\2017\Github\2017-Batteships\GameEngine\Battleships\GameEngine\Commands\PlayerCommands\FireShotCommand.cs:line 47
at GameEngine.Engine.GameRoundProcessor.ProcessPlayerCommands() in W:\Projects\100k\2017\Github\2017-Batteships\GameEngine\Battleships\GameEngine\Engine\GameRoundProcessor.cs:line 113
This is very strange indeed, I am not sure what the cause of this could be, we will have a look and see what could be causing this, do the bots output files say anything different than the usual?
I’ve had the same issue, although in my case I think it was my Antivirus/Firewall Comodo blocking the bot or game engine from writing a file putting one or the other in the sandbox. Weirdly enough the match still progresses even though no ships were placed correctly
i had seen this many times , it happens randomly , the problem i see in the log of phase round 0 ,states that it failed to execute the calibration test : the system cannot find the file specified .