Building Cost


Is there a reason that Road is more expensive than a LumberMill but doesnt even give a score boost? Or does Road cost stay the same and not go up for each building?

The idea behind the road is that it allows fast directional territory expansion. If I recall correctly, it shouldn’t get more expensive as more are purchased, yes. It’s not impossible that the recent cost reduction may have impacted the purposes and values of buildings in the game.

Hi @Jordan , can you confirm whether roads are supposed to stay a constant price? I can’t see any exclusion to the building cost calculations for roads:

Looking at the actual engine:

At first glance it does look as if roads increases with other buildings.

As far as I’m aware, roads are supposed to remain the same cost. I can’t remember what the code looks like, but it’s not impossible that there is a bug there… If that is the case, at this point I guess it’s a feature :joy::sweat_smile: