Building format

What is the format for building?
Current readme shows as below, we wouldn’t have a GUID at this point or am I missing something.

“type” : 7, // BUILDING action type - int
“units” : 2, // number of units to travel to node- int
“id” : "60b71170-bbe3-4cfa-8069-87202340fc9f " // destination node - string/UUID/GUID

The GUID is one of the available nodes (which is given to you in the state update)

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Thanks, let me have a look, was under the impression it would a separate item on it’s own, does it pick it’s own location based on the GUID provided?

The format of the available nodes in the state update is something like

"availableNodes": [
        "id": "60b71170-bbe3-4cfa-8069-87202340fc9f",
        "position": {
            "x": 1,
            "y": 10

So you get the position from that (looks like the readme is out-of-date)

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Got this working now, thanks, I seem to also be getting an issue where my moves don’t take while building after some time, I can’t tell if this is due to the number of units required for building or if it’s the game engine just not taking my inputs, I see in the beginning, it takes it on the first try then further down it requires a few tries wasting ticks trying to build.

This is my list of player moves which show that this , I am adding some code to work around this, let me see what it does.
