I would like to write my bot in C++ but found that there is currently no way to specify a c++ bot in the config file. How do you currently run a C++ bot if at all?
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Have you tried to specify it as C#? Since that is also an EXE, I would expect it to work.
The c# bot is a DLL.
Plus i’m sure the program compiling the bots should have support on the server too.
Hi all,
Currently we don’t support c++. However, a starter bot for c++ has been submitted, and we are working on supporting it in a future release.
@Faraday if you would like to run your bot it in the mean time, you could check out the game-runner source code and add a CPPRunner (and maybe even create a pull request ).
Sorry, I forgot this is Core, rather than a traditional console application.
Thanks will check it out
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