Cant get my bot to run on portal

Hi guys

can i get a bit more info on why i’;m getting the below error:
The system cannot find the file specified

26-07-2017 11:28:43:619 - I:
Executing process C:\Challenge2017\Calibration_Bots\CSharp\SampleBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B”

26-07-2017 11:28:43:666 - I:
Bot calibration complete and can run an additional 57ms due to environment startup

26-07-2017 11:28:43:681 - D:
Executing bot with following commands C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Bots\633\borgBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B”

26-07-2017 11:28:43:681 - I:
Executing process C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Bots\633\borgBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B”

26-07-2017 11:28:43:681 - E:
Failure while executing bot C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Bots\633\borgBot.exe B "C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\633\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at BotRunner.Util.ProcessHandler.StartProcessCommon()
at BotRunner.Util.ProcessHandler.RunProcess()
at TestHarness.TestHarnesses.Bot.BotRunner.RunBot()

Hi MarkMyb

This is Warren, a fellow competitor. I struggled a lot to get my bot working on the portal. I subsequently tried to run it locally using the Battleship Game Engine binaries provided by entelect and I was able to replicate the problem and identify the causes of my issues (yes, multiple causes for multiple issues, all of them mine :wink: ) The logging is pretty good which helps and also isolates the problem away from the portal. There are too many unknowns if you submit to the portal without first confirming it works in the Battle Engine binaries.

Does your bot run using the downloaded binaries?

I hope this helps.

Best regards

Hi Sentient

thanks, yeah I’ve had the bot running perfectly against v1.1.2 for a bit now.

found the issue which is a bit weird but it looks like you need to include the exe in the root folder aswell.

not sure why.

Hi MarkMyb,

The issue is most likely the RunFile in your bot.json that is incorrect. Please ensure that the bot execution file is specified relative to your bot.json file. Also make sure that your zip contains only one bot.json file.