Changing the size of the game's matches

Hey guys, Complete noob question. How do I change the size of the map I am using for testing. I want to run 77 1010 and 14*14 matches.

Do I just modify:
Battleships.exe -b “…\Reference Bots\C#” “…\Reference Bots\bot1” --clog --pretty --debug

And what do I change it to?

I might see more weaknesses in the smaller / bigger maps. Under certain conditions

Dont know what to hope for. That most of you haven’t started yet. Or that some if you have near perfect bots already. I guess I got lucky with my logic up until this moment. Looking forward to open war as the year passes.

Battleships.exe -b “…\Reference Bots\C#” “…\Reference Bots\bot1” --clog --pretty --debug --size 1

Where 1 is 7x7, 2 is 10x10 and 3 is 14x14.

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