They had a bot workshop last year. But let me start with a bold statement…
"If you can write an Entelect bot, you can write any piece of software you want. "
Id even argue that many Bachelor Graduates would struggle with this.
What I have observed is that the Entelect Challenge is a personal wall to many programmers.
Its a lot like swimming.
People can give you a pool, give you all the theory, and even a lesson or two.
But pushing yourself over the edge and putting everything together to figure out exactly how it all works is hard.
I have introduced this to people with Degrees in IT that could get the engine to work, even showed them how I initiate variables, but they simply could not conceptualize how to give those variables life,
We all naturally suck at things we have no experience in. Problem solvers will look at those unknowns and start building and testing solutions.
So you’d need to decide if your going to be someone who pushes yourself over that barrier or not.
Many here are willing to help with that,
Here’s my general approach to the competition.
Step 1: Get the Engine and my preferred bot to work.
This is the first barrier. Setting up the Development environment, and often, even the seasoned competitors stumble a bit here. But this gets easier over time. My very first year, it took me a week just to get the engine running.
Step 2:
I store the Botstate in my own variables, So I can work with them,
My own approaches are often advanced (Even if I use If statements, for loops and arrays mostly…)
But I still change the data into something I prefer over what the default is.
This helps me understand the data, remove the noise and also add my own flavor.
Step 3:
Once I understand the data,
I will start interpreting it, Example:
I could have an array / Matrix that can be accessed with y and x coordinates
Map[y][x ];
So lets say my own x is 3 and my y is 12,
or Map[12][3];
I can look above me using Map[12-1][3];
Thats basic to me, but so many people struggle with it, and even using the data they read to say, oh, heres a powerup, lets go pick it up.
As a last point: Theres a beauty in being an underdog… And overcoming your current limitations will never be easy.
At first, when I started partaking, I had no degree, no money for one, I had no mentor. I never wrote AI, I never write games.
But I understood PHP and I could piece together and build something using the bit of knowledge I did know.
Even today I still use basics: If, For and Arrays…
Like one of my favorite quotes:
Any person can learn how to do this, but many will inevitably fail because of some excuse or another.
Some of the most privileged and educated folk in the world will turn away from this.
A Good goal for you id say is to build something that works, even if it takes you 3 months and doesn’t play well.
At the end of the day the question will be:
Are you the kind of person capable of doing this.
And that’s a painful journey