Fire commands

hi guys

just want to check as this looks like a type on the info text for commands.

0 - Do Nothing (please pass through coordinates still)" +
1 - Fireshot
2 - Fire Double Shot Vertical
3 - Fire Corner Shot Horizontal
4 - Fire Corner Shot

shouldn’t that be 3 fire double shot horizontal?

Hi MarkMyb

Yes that is correct, it seems to be a typo in the display string.

Hi I am a bit confused as what the actual fire commands are, the sample bots only gives
public enum Code
DoNothing = 0,
FireShot = 1

And i just relized there are multiple corner shot commands, This is what I have:
public enum Code
DoNothing = 0,
FireShot = 1,
DoubleShot = 2,
CornerShot = 3,
DiagonalCrossShot = 4,
CrossShot = 5,
SeekerMissle = 6
Can the documentation specify exactly what command will fire what shot? or did I miss that part?

Sorry for the noob question :slight_smile:

Hey, You can use:

DoNothing = 0,
FireShot = 1,
DoubleShot(Horisonal) = 2,
DoubleShot(Vertical) = 3,
CornerShot = 4,
DiagonalCrossShot = 5,
CrossShot = 6,
SeekerMissle = 7

thank you,
Had too much work to do so I am jumping into the new changes a bit late. Will probably come in almost last in this round