Galaxio Viewer

I’ve created a viewer to watch the game.

First select your match files using the Browse Button.
Then use play/pause/+1/restart to view the game

Play runs the game with each turn being updated after 300ms
Pause, will ummm pause the run game
+1 will step through the turns
Restart will move back to turn 0

Light Blue = Gas Clouds
Light Gray = Asteroids
Yellow = Wormhole
Green = food

Make sure you load BOTH files


What an absolute legend! Thank you!

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I miss the Gui challenge for users like cairnswm

Always appreciate those who piece these kinds of content together.


Hi @cairnswm

I’m not sure if this is something on my side but when I run a match and load the match logs. The visualizer seems to swap the positions, for bots that are placed with coordinates of either y: +300 or y: -300. It doesn’t appear to show that way, for locations x: +300 and x: -300. So essentially y: -300 displays at y: +300 and vice versa.

If you need me to send an example give me your email to do so.

Thanks, the visualizer otherwise is brilliant, so thanks so much.

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