How is maven invoked via the game portal?

I’m trying to add a logging configuration (logback.xml) to my project.

Everything builds and runs fine locally (as expected), but building on the portal, I get this error:

ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4.1:single (make-assembly) on project mybot: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive jar-with-dependencies: Problem creating jar: jar:file:/home/PythonScripts/temp/0e05d234-5fe2-4839-b140-f7523ac3a35f/target/mybot.jar!/ logback.xml: JAR entry logback.xml not found in /home/PythonScripts/temp/0e05d234-5fe2-4839-b140-f7523ac3a35f/target/mybot.jar → [Help 1]

So my question is just basically, “what is the portal doing that I’m not doing locally”, in order to replicate and fix on my side.

Btw, removing the logback.xml file from the src/main/resources folder allows the portal to build a-ok.


Hi @demaniak,

I sent your question to the team and will respond as soon as I have any feedback.

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Thanks @Meerkat.

I’m also starting to wonder about resource constraints (CPU and RAM) when running on the portal platform (pre and during actual contests).

I’m seeing occasional timeouts on (java) bots, where the bot did not actually do anything “wrong” (or failed in any detectable way), so I’m suspecting it’s the GC kicking in.
In my testing so far, usually this happens about ± round 90 on the portal.

So would be nice to know what the constraints are, so that we can try to keep under them, and avoid the GC stepping in and nuking that round by causing a timeout (assuming of course my theory is correct).

Thanks again!

Another follow up on this…
I’m now pretty sure it’s java 8 running on the portal.

So I just want to get confirmation: it is Java 8 , and not Java 8 or higher that is supported?


Hi @demaniak,

I do believe it is Java 8, I have also communicated your question on the CPU/RAM limits and am awaiting feedback.

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Hi @demaniak,

The limits are as follows:
Bots each have [CPU = 1.5] and [RAM = 4GB]
Runner have [CPU = 1] and [RAM = 4GB]

Kind Regards

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