I got some time to make sense of things this weekend

Yes, though you will have to do that yourself. I do not have a Mac to compile the IOS version on sadly. Unless you want to buy me one… hehe :wink:

The source will compile with the HaXeToolkit and that will allow you to setup the iOS run-time as well.

Thanks :slight_smile: . How do you compile with haxe? I’ve been trying, but not really getting anywhere.

Thanks very much for this @avanderw, this has been most helpful.
For the benefit of other HAXE n00bs like me, these are the steps I went through to get it running on my windows machine:

  • you need the microsoft visual studio c++ compiler installed on your machine
  • install HAXE (google it)
  • install openfl as described here: http://www.openfl.org/download/ (option 2)
  • install “minimalcomps” HAXE library ($haxelib install minimalcomps)
  • go openfl build windows in the “replay-viewer” directory, it should build
  • copy config.json to the bin folder where the exe is
  • edit config.json to point to your match folder
  • run it. on the left are all your matches, and then you can select the turns in the next column, mouse scroll through them to view the match
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Try that site… should hopefully get you up and running.
Three videos, have not personally gone through them. But it sounds like it is in the right direction.

I am using HaXe(Lime 6.3.1) & OpenFL(8.0.2) as they work nicer with the Android NDK v13
Though that should not make a difference for the iOS build.

Thanks a lot. :smile: