Need help submitting my bot

Hi guys,

I have tried submitting my bot for the 29 July Challenge but i am bit at a loss.

It seems it is failing.

I have passed the stage where i need to see if my bot compiles without issues using (java - maven) but when it gets to the match part (test match) it fails.

I tried downloading the match logs but my chrome says “Failed - Server problem” (see image attached)

Can someone help me please :smile: , it is also my first time entering this competition so i am completely new to everything.

Hey there, one issue I experienced was that my bot was crashing and so my bot wasn’t returning commands and the match ended after 50 turns of inactivity, which for some reason I hadn’t seen on my local device.

Another possibility is that your bot is running within the 2 second allowance on your local device but taking longer than allowed on the server side because of a slower CPU, so check to see how close your bot is to the 2 second mark on your own PC.

Just my two cents, might be completely wrong but hopefully it’s one of those two :slight_smile:

Note i have found the issue,

it was because i was doing the following wrong

“author”: “Marco nel”,
“email”: "",
“botLocation”: “./target”,
“botFileName”: “bot.jar”,
“botLanguage”: “java”

I accidentally added the extra “.” which will cause it to fail
Wrong Working
“botLocation”: “./target”, -> “botLocation”: “/target”,

This thread can be closed now :slight_smile:

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