Odd world behaviour

So I’m running some matches to see if my bot runs correctly.

I’ve noticed something weird, not sure if anyone else is having this issue.
My bot cleared the first map with 5 collectible and then went into the next map, before I am able to even collect any collectible, it seems like the map resets to the beginning continuously, is this intended behaviour, I am running my bot solo so this shouldn’t be a case of another bot clearing the map and the rest of the bots moving to a new map.

Looking at the logs, I see the level still says World 0 so I don’t believe this is something related to a world skip.

You can see it here in the logs where my x and y position get reset

  "Bots": [{
            "Hero": {
                "Collected": 5,
                "TimesDug": 0,
                "MovementSm": {
                    "CurrentState": {
                        "name": "Idle"
                "radarData": [],
                "Width": 1,
                "Height": 1,
                "NextXPosition": 37,
                "NextYPosition": 24,
                "XPosition": 37,
                "YPosition": 24
            "CurrentLevel": 0,
            "Id": "fd6ad933-13bf-417d-8cc4-15f010f34213",
            "NickName": "JSBot",
            "ConnectionId": "TbkiS4dqXe-VLkrORruW2w",
            "TotalPoints": 0
}, {
    "Tick": 58,
    "Levels": [{
            "map": null,
            "ChangeLog": [{
                    "pointX": 24,
                    "pointY": 21,
                    "tileType": 0
                }, {
                    "pointX": 28,
                    "pointY": 21,
                    "tileType": 0
                }, {
                    "pointX": 32,
                    "pointY": 21,
                    "tileType": 0
                }, {
                    "pointX": 35,
                    "pointY": 25,
                    "tileType": 0
                }, {
                    "pointX": 39,
                    "pointY": 25,
                    "tileType": 0
            "level": 0
        }, {
            "map": null,
            "ChangeLog": [],
            "level": 0
        }, {
            "map": null,
            "ChangeLog": [],
            "level": 0
        }, {
            "map": null,
            "ChangeLog": [],
            "level": 0
    "Bots": [{
            "Hero": {
                "Collected": 5,
                "TimesDug": 0,
                "MovementSm": {
                    "CurrentState": {
                        "name": "Idle"
                "radarData": [],
                "Width": 1,
                "Height": 1,
                "NextXPosition": 23,
                "NextYPosition": 20,
                "XPosition": 23,
                "YPosition": 20
            "CurrentLevel": 0,
            "Id": "fd6ad933-13bf-417d-8cc4-15f010f34213",
            "NickName": "JSBot",
            "ConnectionId": "TbkiS4dqXe-VLkrORruW2w",
            "TotalPoints": 0
}, {

Ive also still not had a successful upload to the submissions queue, portal still shows as running.

I am experiencing the same issue at the moment.

I’ve tested with the new release and I still seem to be getting reset to the beginning of the current level.

Is there any chance that your bot lands on top of a hazard tile? Your bot will get reset to the starting position if you stand and/or collide with a hazard tile.

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Ok, this makes sense, I see the same behviour then, I missed the hazard below where my bot was, this then fixes it up, thanks.


Are your portal submissions working as well or still failing?

It was still failing, going to try again after i fix my reset issue and see if I get any further joy

Can confirm that from my side the submission process seems to be working :+1:

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