
I noticed that you can do air jumping and physics does not matter if you keep jumping. A screenshot of the logs agter sitting stuck in the air for a few ticks, is this intended?

I don’t think this was intended :smiley: good hack though instead of using ladders :rofl:

This was not intended, and we’re currently working on a fix :smiley:

Just want to know if anybody had the time to make a basic visualizer and is willing to share it.? It’s my first time participating in the Entelect challenge and I can’t understand a thing looking at the command line :cry:

Hi, unfortunately at the moment my visualizer is integrated into my bot since the logs are still a work in progress as stated in a different thread. you can hook up the game engine’s visualizer signalR endpoints and use that for development purposes if you want.

What I did every year when i did not have a visualiser was to just echo the gamestate in a format that works for me.

So you literally loop through all the gamestate data and draw it in console.log.
I will look at this a bit later.
Im waiting for some bugfixes, the starterpack and will do a replayer / visualiser from there.
But something simple and small.

As a sidenote @natash
I dont think a visualiser will be as hard as last year though. My first thoughts are theres far less data to keep track of. So the JSON files should be extremely small.
Depending on how they are coded.

I feel the initial gamestate could be loaded, and then every tick only changes should be recorded.
So if someone digs, Destroy the Solid. If someone hits a collectible, collect that.

then every tick will have a very small amount of data to process.
thats what Id do anyways from a logging perspective.

You merely need to update the data that changed.
Should be very efficient if approached this way.

I have not looked at any code. Just the rules.
I see some very interesting dynamics.

Hey @WillieTheron,
You are correct, there is definitely a lot less data this time around, so we hopefully shouldn’t have too many issues with the visualizer, the main issue I can see is that we might want to look at smoothing out the movement, etc, as it can look a bit choppy otherwise :slight_smile:

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