Player portal test run error

hi guys

i have probably done something stupid but i cant seem to get my bot to run on the portal?

30-05-2017 13:41:53:013 - I: Executing process C:\Challenge2017\Calibration_Bots\CSharp\SampleBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B”
30-05-2017 13:41:53:138 - I: Bot calibration complete and can run an additional 126ms due to environment startup
30-05-2017 13:41:53:138 - D: Executing bot with following commands C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Bots\162\borgBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B”
30-05-2017 13:41:53:138 - I: Executing process C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Bots\162\borgBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B”
30-05-2017 13:41:53:138 - E: Failure while executing bot C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Bots\162\borgBot.exe B "C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\162\Game\Phase 1 - Round 0\B"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at BotRunner.Util.ProcessHandler.StartProcessCommon()
at BotRunner.Util.ProcessHandler.RunProcess()
at TestHarness.TestHarnesses.Bot.BotRunner.RunBot()

any idea why my bot is throwing out a The system cannot find the file specified ??

i’v run v1.04 multiple times locally and no issue was reported.


ok thought it was me been a doofus.

had to make sure that the path in my json file was correct