Player Portal

Hello all

The player portal is now live!

For new contestants, the player portal is where you can upload your bot files to make sure that they can compile and execute on our tournament server. The last successful bot uploaded will be used in the first battle taking place on 9 June 2017. Additionally, you will be able to download match logs to debug any issues a bot might have in logic. Clans and Tournament results will be added in the next few weeks.

Remember that missing the deadline entry for the first battle does not exclude you from taking part in the rest of the competition. This first battle is there to allow contestants to win a Golden Ticket to the finals plus some cash prizes. The final submission date for the competition is the 15th September 2017.

Also, tonight is our first hackathon evening and we still have some room available. If you would like to attend, head over to our meetup page and RSVP.

That is fantastic! Cannot wait for the clans… that should be interesting.

I am currently getting the following when I upload my bot:

24-05-2017 13:15:10:788 - I: Receiving bot
24-05-2017 13:15:11:048 - I: Extracting bot
24-05-2017 13:15:11:048 - E: Failed to extract bot filesICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Version required to extract this entry not supported (788)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.TestLocalHeader(ZipEntry entry, HeaderTest tests)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.GetInputStream(Int64 entryIndex)
at TournamentAPI.Blob.DirectorySettings.ExtractZipToFolder(ZipFile f, String folder)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExtractBot(String srcFile, String targetDir)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExecuteJob(Int32 submissionId)

24-05-2017 13:15:11:048 - E: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipExce
24-05-2017 13:15:10:788 - I: Receiving bot
24-05-2017 13:15:11:048 - I: Extracting bot
24-05-2017 13:15:11:048 - E: Failed to extract bot filesICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Version required to extract this entry not supported (788)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.TestLocalHeader(ZipEntry entry, HeaderTest tests)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.GetInputStream(Int64 entryIndex)
at TournamentAPI.Blob.DirectorySettings.ExtractZipToFolder(ZipFile f, String folder)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExtractBot(String srcFile, String targetDir)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExecuteJob(Int32 submissionId)

24-05-2017 13:15:11:048 - E: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Version required to extract this entry not supported (788)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.TestLocalHeader(ZipEntry entry, HeaderTest tests)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.GetInputStream(Int64 entryIndex)
at TournamentAPI.Blob.DirectorySettings.ExtractZipToFolder(ZipFile f, String folder)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExtractBot(String srcFile, String targetDir)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExecuteJob(Int32 submissionId)ption: Version required to extract this entry not supported (788)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.TestLocalHeader(ZipEntry entry, HeaderTest tests)
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.GetInputStream(Int64 entryIndex)
at TournamentAPI.Blob.DirectorySettings.ExtractZipToFolder(ZipFile f, String folder)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExtractBot(String srcFile, String targetDir)
at TournamentAPI.Jobs.BotCompileJob.ExecuteJob(Int32 submissionId)

Hi Sparky,

Can you maybe try with a different tool to zip the files? I think we had this last year as well but I am not sure how we were able to resolve it.

Hi Guys,

I’m getting a validation error on my submission - I think it may have to do with the max file size being set to 5120.

Hi SilverTurle,

I mistake on our side. Can you try again please?

Hi I get the following build errer:

24-05-2017 15:30:20:984 - I: 	Executing process C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe /tv:14.0 /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU"
24-05-2017 15:30:20:984 - E: 	Failed to run compiler for bot Kortgat in directory C:\Challenge2017\Bot Submissions\Compiled\42\ExtractSystem.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The directory name is invalid
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at BotRunner.Util.ProcessHandler.StartProcessCommon()
   at BotRunner.Util.ProcessHandler.RunProcess()
   at TestHarness.TestHarnesses.Bot.Compilers.DotNetCompiler.RunCompiler()
   at TestHarness.TestHarnesses.Bot.BotCompiler.Compile()

I have put my solution in the source folder and a bot.json in the root of the zip

Hi Kortgat,

The compiler looks at the project location in the bot.json to know where the source files for the compiler is. Please make sure that the value is correct relative to your bot.json file. So for a .Net solution that should point to the directory containing the solution file.

Hi ok I changed it to “source” where my .sln is but then it gives the following:

MSBUILD : error MSB1011: Specify which project or solution file to use because this folder contains more than one project or solution file.

I dont know if it my solution that is funny or something.

Will there be player portal challenges again? Those were loads of fun last year.

Hi Rfnel,

Those will be replaced by the clan wars. Look out for the future announcement to see how that is going to work.

1 Like

Ok I managed to get it to build by deleting my Solution file and letting Visual studio recreate it when opening the .csproj file. But now whar runfile path should we use on the server? The server log keeps saying the following:
> 25-05-2017 07:54:34:379 - I: Executing process C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\81\Bots\81\KortgatBot.exe B “C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\81\Game\Phase 1 - Round 1\B”
> 25-05-2017 07:54:34:379 - E: Failure while executing bot C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\81\Bots\81\KortgatBot.exe B "C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\81\Game\Phase 1 - Round 1\B"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified

Hi Kortgat,

Sorry, I missed the post about the multiple solution/project files. To solve that you can change the ProjectLocation in the bot.json to point to the solution file you want msbuild to use.

This now seems like the runfile location is incorrect. The server will build your bot in release mode so please make sure that your release configuration output directory is used for the bot run location.

Hi no problem, I did try the release folder with same format as the reference bot and it also gave me this error:

Failure while executing bot C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\80\Bots\80\bin\Release\KortgatBot.exe B "C:\Challenge2017\Test_Match\80\Game\Phase 1 - Round 1\B"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified

Ok i had to include the source folder as well, Sorry I noobed out there :slight_smile:

Haha, no worries. This can be difficult to debug with limited error messages, and not knowing the exact details of the system and how it works can also make things difficult.

hi im getting this error

25-05-2017 16:28:40:602 - I: Receiving bot
25-05-2017 16:28:41:745 - I: Extracting bot
25-05-2017 16:28:41:760 - I: Compiling bot
25-05-2017 16:28:41:760 - I: Checking if bot Paradox has a pom file at C:\Challenge2017\Bot Submissions\Compiled\100\Extract\BattleshipsParadox
25-05-2017 16:28:41:760 - I: Java projects need to use maven in order to compile their projects

Hi Paradox,

Looks like the project is missing a pom file. Please remember that you have to submit your complete source code so that we can compile it on the tournament server. We have to use the source code compiled by us to run your bot for legal reasons.

@Wackymax Did you guys happen to record the hackathon?

Hi ShiraazM,

Unfortunately we did not. But being a hackathon there isn’t really a big reason to record anything either as it is mostly just everyone walking around either just socializing or assisting each other.

does netbeans generate a pom file?