Position (X, Y) and hero position and movement

Hi, just want to ask about this:

Does the x, y show the position of the hero relative to the map or to the current window?
I assume the hero stays at the center of the window so it should be relative to the map.
Also, when running the default java bot (it sends InputCommand.RIGHT by default) the x and y values and the output of the window does not change.
Is there a possibility that the command does not reach the runner?

Good morning,

The x, y position shows the hero relative to the map. The window will keep the hero in the center yes.
Remember, you can always go digging through the code on Github to see the implementation.

With regards to the bot not moving, is it possible he’s standing in a location that doesn’t allow movement to the right? i.e. a wall

Hope this helps :+1: