Probably not a bug but interesting

In this example player 1 is using EMP while player 2 is lizard jumping.
Player 2 gets slowed down and player 1 slips underneath :slight_smile:

I assume this is intentional ?

Starting round: 138
Player A - LCubed: Map View

player: id:1 position: y:1 x:1460 speed:15 state:TURNING_LEFT statesThatOccurredThisRound:TURNING_LEFT boosting:true boost-counter:4 damage:0 score:459 powerups: OIL:14, BOOST:2, EMP:3, TWEET:3
opponent: id:2 position: y:1 x:1462 speed:9


Received command C;138;USE_EMP
Player B - LCubedBB: Map View

player: id:2 position: y:1 x:1462 speed:9 state:USED_TWEET statesThatOccurredThisRound:USED_TWEET boosting:true boost-counter:3 damage:1 score:465 powerups: OIL:1, BOOST:3, LIZARD:2, EMP:15
opponent: id:1 position: y:1 x:1460 speed:15


Received command C;138;USE_LIZARD
Completed round: 138

Starting round: 139
Player A - LCubed: Map View

player: id:1 position: y:1 x:1475 speed:9 state:HIT_MUD statesThatOccurredThisRound:USED_EMP, HIT_MUD boosting:false boost-counter:0 damage:1 score:464 powerups: OIL:14, BOOST:3, EMP:2, TWEET:3
opponent: id:2 position: y:1 x:1465 speed:3


Received command C;139;USE_TWEET 1 1481
Player B - LCubedBB: Map View

player: id:2 position: y:1 x:1465 speed:3 state:USED_LIZARD statesThatOccurredThisRound:USED_LIZARD boosting:false boost-counter:0 damage:1 score:458 powerups: OIL:1, BOOST:3, LIZARD:1, EMP:15
opponent: id:1 position: y:1 x:1475 speed:9


Received command C;139;ACCELERATE
Completed round: 139

Starting round: 140
Player A - LCubed: Map View

player: id:1 position: y:1 x:1484 speed:9 state:USED_TWEET statesThatOccurredThisRound:USED_TWEET boosting:false boost-counter:0 damage:1 score:472 powerups: OIL:15, BOOST:3, EMP:2, TWEET:2
opponent: id:2 position: y:1 x:1471 speed:3


Received command C;140;TURN_RIGHT
Player B - LCubedBB: Map View

player: id:2 position: y:1 x:1471 speed:3 state:HIT_MUD statesThatOccurredThisRound:ACCELERATING, HIT_MUD boosting:false boost-counter:0 damage:2 score:455 powerups: OIL:1, BOOST:3, LIZARD:1, EMP:15
opponent: id:1 position: y:1 x:1484 speed:9


Received command C;140;TURN_RIGHT
Completed round: 140

Starting round: 141
Player A - LCubed: Map View

player: id:1 position: y:2 x:1492 speed:8 state:HIT_MUD statesThatOccurredThisRound:TURNING_RIGHT, HIT_MUD boosting:false boost-counter:0 damage:2 score:469 powerups: OIL:15, BOOST:3, EMP:2, TWEET:2
opponent: id:2 position: y:2 x:1473 speed:3


Received command C;141;ACCELERATE
Player B - LCubedBB: Map View

player: id:2 position: y:2 x:1473 speed:3 state:TURNING_RIGHT statesThatOccurredThisRound:TURNING_RIGHT boosting:false boost-counter:0 damage:2 score:455 powerups: OIL:1, BOOST:3, LIZARD:1, EMP:15
opponent: id:1 position: y:2 x:1492 speed:8


Received command C;141;USE_BOOST
Completed round: 141

Game Complete
Checking if match is valid

The winner is: A - LCubed

A - LCubed - score:466 health:0
B - LCubedBB - score:463 health:0