Problem with download

if I download the starter kit on my Windows 10 pc, I unzip and then try to run the ‘run’ batch file
I get

, it then displays one game image and then I get

What am I doing wrong?

Hi @thinus . This because the starter-pack runs a match between the javascript starter and reference bots. From the error, we see that you don’t have Nodejs installed. Simply download the latest Nodejs from

Once installed you can run the match again. Alternatively, you can change the game-runner-config.json file to point to different bots as described here:

We are making changes to the readme’s to make this a bit more apparent :slight_smile:

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Thank you. Problem solved.

‘run’ works fine for java and javascript. However, I get the following when I attempt to run the python starter bot

Hi @thinus

This is a known issue that has been resolved - we just have not released a new starter pack yet.

As a workaround you can change the botLanguage in the bot.json file from python3 to python and you’ll be able to run the python bot.

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