I can’t tell if this is my code or the engine, I didn’t get this in the previous engine.
Can someone from the Entelect team please advise?
[ERROR] [Core]: Failed to run GameRunLoop with error: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[DEBUG] [Core]: at System.Collections.Generic.HashSet1.Enumerator.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.All[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Engine.Services.WorldStateService.GenerateRandomPosition(Int32 lowerX, Int32 upperX, Int32 lowerY, Int32 upperY, ISet1 proximityPositions, Int32 minDistance, Boolean baseZone, Boolean nonBaseZone) in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/WorldStateService.cs:line 391
at Engine.Services.WorldStateService.GenerateValidPosition(Int32 regionX, Int32 regionY, ResourceConfig config, ISet`1 proximityPositions) in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/WorldStateService.cs:line 453
at Engine.Services.WorldStateService.GenerateMap() in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/WorldStateService.cs:line 617
at Engine.Services.WorldStateService.GenerateStartingWorld() in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/WorldStateService.cs:line 348
at Engine.Services.WorldStateService.Initialize() in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/WorldStateService.cs:line 442
at Engine.Services.EngineService.GameRunLoop() in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/EngineService.cs:line 50
at Engine.Services.SignalRService.b__7_1(Task task) in /home/runner/work/2022-Arctica/2022-Arctica/game-engine/Engine/Services/SignalRService.cs:line 119
[ERROR] [Shutdown]: Shutting down due to a critical error
I might just scrap my python bot and move back to JS, not really getting much joy from it even though it has some features I’m looking for, will try the python bot again next year or if i have some before the final event.
I thought it was just me as well so ran my bot again against the previous starter pack and it ran fine, ran the JS version also against the new pack and that ran fine, thought I’d raise it anyway.
Ok great, I’ll open a PR - the piece of code that is causing the issue does have a random component to it, so that might have something to do with it not always triggering.