Release v2024.0.7 · EntelectChallenge/2024-Sproutopia

Hi Everyone!

Quick one here thanks @WillieTheron for catching a nasty out-of-bounds bug! We made another small patch release to address it.

Apoligies we know late releases can be super annoying! Usually we do not introduce such late release if there is a bug. However game breaking bugs are an exception, and as usual there are no feature changes.

This is to ensure that all bots are able to run freely and allow matches to run to completion. Failing matches would affect the final scoring and we don’t want a silly bug to affect some players’ chances.

Once again good luck to the finalists :point_up_2:



Thank you, Also sorry for only seeing this now myself,
I get caught up in the foundations and sometimes leave things like powerups for last.

Today Im just stress testing.

Minor patches, Take a second look at my overall strategies.
The main issue is:

The other players’ strategies create rock paper scissors scenarios,
And its impossible to code against all of those.

I concluded the following:
If you expand, someone can kill you with RNG,
So to expand is to risk losing…

But on the other hand.
If you dont expand, others can also kill you by out expanding.
So to not expand is to risk losing…

I love where the balance went this year.

See everyone next week. Goodluck with the last stretch…

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