The Entelect challenge is coming, what's the theme?

My favorites were also pacman and bomberman and then especially tron. I think all the ones that had a significant planning/strategy component.

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Unfortunately I did not compete in the bomberman one (the only one I missed since the start), but yeah pacman was quite fun. I did also enjoy the battleships one. I might not have been so much pure strategy, and had an element of luck in, but it had something different. Some psychological aspect of predicting where the majority of players would place their ships, and “reading the meta”. I found that quite interesting as well.

As for format… The battleships was by far the best. The evolving rules and golden ticket system was awesome. I hope they keep it similar this year (and maybe give a golden ticket to the first person who guessed the theme :P).

Either way I’m really looking forward to it taking up all my spare thinking time, and running game simulations during the night to analyse the results in the morning :slight_smile:


Ah, yes. Bomberman and pacman were the most fun. And the format of last year was also great.
Some things I hope for this year: GOOEY?sp challenge, hackathons and maybe not a file based exchange of data(rather rest service or stdin/stdout). One can only hope.

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Arrre ye ready kids?

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Building that anticipation…

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The Yuri is still out on that…


Please stop the torture and click that deploy button. :slight_smile:

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Construction yard deployed? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Let the Joules flow!

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Your wish is my command.


Whoohoo. Golden Ticket (stamp) for Kortgat :stuck_out_tongue:

The download link for the starter pack on the challenge site doesn’t work.

You can got to to get it.

The challenge website looks amazing! Tower Defense is a great idea for a challenge.

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Hi sanya,
We fixed the download link, it’s working again.

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Hahahaha, Nice, I think they’ll rather give me a Golden Star on my T-Shirt if I make it to comic-con this year :D.
But I still need to prove worthy of the challenge.

My weekend just got ruined as I will be playing tower defense… :smiley:

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ruined? or better?
Yeah I’m also keen to start ASAP.
Look slike a challenge that could indeed have many different winning strategies, and with more rules to come it will be great I’m sure

Definitely Better!!

On the website is this sentence correct?
Energy Building:
A utility building that provides {Energy generated per turn} extra energy per turn. These buildings have lower health and can don’t offer much in terms of defence.

Hi Kortgat,

This will probably update, maybe follow this post to stay updated on that front

I actually meant the “can don’t” part unless my English grammar is failing me

Oh I see that now, I will fix it quickly :blush: