Tournament 3 Leaderboard

A massive congratulations to the Top 8, but also to everyone that has participated this year. We saw some amazing bots and are looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with next year.


Thanks to the EC team for all the hard work that has gone into the competition so far, looking forward to meeting you guys and the rest of the finalists at the CCNA.

And thanks to everyone else as well for making the EC challenge as fun as it is. Looking forward to the last stretch :smile:

Hey there,

Awesome, I assume that the above will deturmine our seeds?

For example:
#1, #3, #5 and #7
As well as:
#2, #4, #6, #8

So those seems to be reasonably good “starting blocks”

Unless its all randomized,

That aside. How will the actual matches run?

My personal opinion would be to consider doing something crazy like:
A) Do Double Elimination
B) Force the actual rounds to run at much faster than in the engine.
**Maybe do 10 rounds every second. You could consider batching all actions and showing everything that happened in a single tick at one time.

I feel making the presentation faster and skipping some of the actual non essentials could be required.

I think if im not mistaken a match takes around 625 seconds (which = 10 minutes each)
Thats at 4 actions per second. Even if we speed that to 8 actions per second for replays we will have 5 minute matches and Double elimination could be doable.

Running Straight elimination where the first 2 brackets determines top 4 will mean we can conclude finals in 3 matches.
But that feels a bit rough as a Number 1 player could hit that one seed that throws him.

A Double Elimination could conclude in:
Match 1, 2, - 4 Players 2 life, 4 players 1 life
Match 3, 4 - 2 players 2 life, 4 players 1 life - Determined #7 and #8
Match 5 - 2 Players 2 life, 2 players - Determined #5 and #6

Then we have 4 players left. I just dont know if match 6 runs and both players with 2 life wins.
One could run 2x instances of both players in such a case. and determine the absolutes.

Or even just use the results of the 6th match to determine

Last random, How many matches did we all play exactly? I couldnt really figure that out.
PS, Im hyper grateful for that added time.

I found some very interesting things my side. Im very excited, to think finals and comic con is end of this month. Crazy…

As per the json on the leaderboard page, it seems like there were 52 matches:

    "tournamentId": "db757f91-5250-4e9e-9c71-c18096a23a04",
    "tournamentName": "Blizzard: Kingdom",
    "submissionDeadline": 1661378399000,
    "tournamentType": "official",
    "tournamentStatus": "started",
    "numberOfMatches": 52,
    "finalTotalMatches": 481,
    "finalMatchSize": 4,
    "finalTotalMatchesCompleted": 0,
    "startDate": 1658620800000,
    "prizeList": [ "1st place: Golden Ticket", "2nd place: Golden Ticket", "3rd place: Golden Ticket", "4th place: Golden Ticket", "5th place: Golden Ticket", "6th place: Golden Ticket" ]

This seems to be corroborated by Kobus’s score, 416/8=52 meaning he placed first in every match he competed in (well done also oh shit) and the last place having a score of 104/2=52, meaning they placed last in every match.

Thank you,

Kobus winning every single match means we really have no way to accurately gauge how strong that bot is.

based on my score I would have come around 2nd in 10 of my matches and ended first in 42,
if we played 52 matches then I want to assume:

52 * 4 = 208 single player matches were held.
208 / 37 = 5.6

So each player played every other player roughly 5.6 times.

So I can assume I lost around 10 - 12 points to Kobus and the rest to other players.

Kobus will be a very hard player to contend…
I managed to find a few bugs in my entry and have 2 more features to implement.

But pushing to wrap up now.
Just have no way to actually measure how strong Kobus’s bot is.
No losses means nobody could actually challenge him.
That could mean he had close wins or he just destroyed us all…

Im really going to push to bridge that gap.
I cleared a lot of worms out.
But I doubt im ready for that monster just yet…

And I have to assume as hard as it might seem Kobus could also be making small improvements.
My load shedding just ended so Im going to run some bugtesting after the fixes and enhancements I already implimented. Make sure nothings broken.

Then I have 2 new features to hopefully push.
One could be a dead end.
Im really excited we got more time.

I think at this stage Kobus is the Only one whose not as happy with the extension.
Question is will the extention be enough for anyone to actually catch up.

Really excited. Hoping to finish my entry tonight then im just stress testing.

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