Tournament Stats - Data

Hey all,

Wondering about tournament stats and data.

It has come up and i am wondering what is the most stats we could possibly have access to for the first Event.

Currently we have a number of points.
Would it be possible to see more information, (Maybe Placements)
I think an GameComplete Json could be great.

Its by no means essential,

But also feel that the leaderboard by itself does not give any extra data.
From a placement perspective i stand to gain most from not releasing any event data at all.

And I know certain things will be impossible to track (like processing speed) We cant really see who made their moves first. If we can that rabbit hole goes so deep that energy could be better spent just improving your bot.

But still thought Id start a topic as I saw none yet.

What can we expect in terms of event 1 data.
Just curious. Know the team spent a lot of time and effort on this.

If they can put the game logs somewhere for download that would be great! :slight_smile:

Even if they are massive :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanx for the Thread @WillieTheron. And well done with the win!!

Hi WillieTheron,
Sorry for my late response to this, it somehow slipped past me.
I have asked the team if we could possible reveal some more information on the tournament to help you in upgrading your bot.

Hi @WillieTheron

The team had a chat and this is definitely something we would like to add. The information might not be a lot more than is currently provided, but should give you some better insights into how things played out. We have added it to the backlog and will update everyone once the information is available.