Strange notice. I see my server replay logs still shows weapon speeds at 1. Is this fixed in the tournament itself?
I saw weapon speed in both my state.json as well as the text map as 1 instead of two. So not sure if it will affect the tournament.
I do apologize for only noticing this now. I only uploaded my bot like 8 minutes to 12.
And after seeing a rather long round lasted. I am curious as to whether this bug is on the tournament. As it will overpower the tesla. And completely break my bot…
Sure its no big deal… Just want to be sure…
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Hi @WillieTheron
Thank you for the heads up.
We have heard of this issue as well, unfortunately very much too late on our part, we have temporarily paused the tournament running to send out a notification around what is happening.
Please have a look at Operation Firestorm Incoming to check it out
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Noted, Thanks, Sometimes a slight delay happens. and 2 - 3 days will make no difference in the scope of the challenge. This challenge is for us. Its free, fun and really amazing. So if there’s minor issues here or there. No issues on my part…