Simultaneous shooting score incorrect

Following on from, in Round 4 of the same game, I have a worm (ID:3, pos 5,2) that shoots and hits an opponent worm (ID:1 pos 6,3) and simultaneously the opponent has a different worm (ID:3 pos 2,2) that shoots and hits another of my worms (ID:2 pos 1,3). I am expecting that we each get 20 points for the mutual attack, but I get 14 points and the opponent gets 13 points.

Match seed 15890

Starting round: 3

My Player:H=392 S=144 W=3 X,Y=5,2
Player 2 :H=400 S=154

C;3;shoot SE
C;3;shoot SW

Completed round: 3

Starting round: 4

My Player:H=384 S=158 W=1 X,Y=5,5
Player 2 :H=392 S=167


Resolved! Please see

Thanks @Malman