The Battle of Port Royal

Hi Paradox,

Please go the player portal on the website to upload your bot. The submissions will not be closed, instead the last successful bot that was compiled and completed it’s test match before the tournament start time will be used.

Please make sure you submit your bot early, as the server can only compile and run one bot at a time, so if your bot has not been processed yet on the queue then it will not be used.

HI Wackymax

is there a way to retest the bot without having to resubmit a new bot to the portal?

Hi MarkMyb,

Unfortunately not, you have to upload a new bot. Why would do you want to retest the bot?

my version i submitted is a few days old and i just wanted to make sure that its still working ok on the latest game engine used for tonight.

just me being paranoid probably.

We will look into adding this as a feature to the website in the future. For now can you please submit your bot again?

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Thanks! So much to do so little time! Still so naive :frowning:

Hi All,

Please make sure that all bot’s are submitted before 22:00 to make sure the server has time to compile and run the test match before the tournament starts.

Good luck to you all!

Question, I submitted my bot without adding the readme file. Will that disqualify me?

Hi unss,

We would like a readme file to get an understanding of your bot and what is needed to run it. This is more for investigative purposes however and you will not get disqualified if you forgot to include it. We will instead contact you if we identify something suspicious and it your bot failed to execute correctly.

Having a look at the live matches…I assume the top 3 listed players (who started with a few K bounty) were test players?

-Nevermind I see the match order is not sequential.

Hi Wackymax,

I might be missing something, but is the Bounty count taking the 30 points per destroyed ship into account?

Hey Guys, Goodluck on the res of the matches, I see theres a few bots that seem to be “equal” in strength. Those matches are going to get messy, because they need to face each other. Goodluck to all. Hoping for top 3, but seeing the current leaderboard I cannot be sure.

You’re doing quite well. You have a 6 to 1 win ratio. I’m sitting on 2 to 5.

It’s a bit disappointing that the matches are not round based. Would be nice if everyone had played the same number of games at any moment. Would be a nice tweak for the Battle of Tortuga.

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Hi All,

The bounty is based on the total points earned for all the matches played. Matches are played at random for this tournament so it can be a bit confusing (we ran out of time), we will have a look at changing it for the next one.


Awesome. And implementation of the Hungarian Method should allow you to configure rounds in polynomial time.

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Is there any possibility to make the logs available after all is done?

Hi Sparky,

Unfortunately we will not be making any logs available for tournaments.

Hi All,

Our referee (a.k.a code that checks that the system/bots isn’t maybe misbehaving) is telling me that there are a few matches that require verification. So if you are seeing a lot of defeats don’t despair just yet, those matches have to be manually verified which involves us looking at the log files and determining what went wrong. If it is system related then those matches will be re-run.

You seem to be doing quite well Willie. Can I ask you how many rounds it usually took for you to sink opponent ships in your testing (14x14)? I was in the 70-75 range and thought it was a nice attempt, but the tournament is proving otherwise. I fear its timing out

Hey odn2e, In my opinion the range isnt very reliable. Because you are playing your bot against itself. Theres far too much factors. Against itself my bot’s range is about 60-70. But my bot is both strong and weak against itself in terms of attack and defence. Depending on ship placements I might even win in the 50 range, Or 80 if the other player is my “Weakness”. I suspect that could have happened in my loss.

So technically the first round can have a lot of, My bot beats A, A beats B and B beats me kind of scenarios.

Its still too early to ask me for advice though. One cannot even be certain that I will make top 5 yet. It depends on the following matches. Am liking the current rankings. Hoping for the best.